Choisis le quantifieur qui convient.
Did manymuch people go to the carnival last month?
Balise <audio> non supportée Did many people go to the carnival last month?
There were a littlea lot of parades.
Balise <audio> non supportée There were a lot of parades.
She took a fewa little pictures.
Balise <audio> non supportée She took a few pictures.
There was a fewa lot of noise in the street.
Balise <audio> non supportée There was a lot of noise in the street.
We had a fewa little fun.
Balise <audio> non supportée We had a little fun.
They didn't have manymuch time to get dressed for the carnival.
Balise <audio> non supportée They didn't have much time to get dressed for the carnival.
Génial !
Continue comme ça.
Tu y es presque.
Essaie encore une fois.
Tu devrais réessayer.
Bravo !
Félicitations !
Parfait !
Très peu d'erreurs.
Quelques erreurs.
Trop d'erreurs.
Beaucoup trop d'erreurs.